
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Olympics 2021

 Olympics 2021 Taskboard

If Christchurch were to host the Olympics in the future, what would the Mascot look like? Design a Mascot that represents Christchurch/Aotearoa.

I made a mascot based on a pokemon called Eevee and added a few major details:

Monday, July 26, 2021

The Springbok Tour Protests

 The Springbok Tour Protests


1) What is another world for apartheid? Another word for apartheid would be apartness/separation by ethnicity/skin colour.

2) Why did the protestors need helmets? They needed to wear them because the police had used long batons to aggressively hit them.

3) Why do you think being called "Honorary whites" upset the Maoi All blacks? Before the New Zealand government had cancelled two All blacks tours to South Africa due to Racist rules but then was mocked as "honorary whites" when they first arrived.

4) Why was the Hamilton rugby game cancelled? It was cancelled because hundreds of anti-tour protesters had infiltrated the field with chants.

5) do you think this protest was successful? why? why not? I think the anti-tour protesters were successful in the end, the apartheid was sent to jail and was stopped by Nelson Mandela when he became president of South Africa.

10 Facts about Springbok Tour protest.

1) For 56 days from July to August, New Zealanders were divided and were forced to go against each other. 

2) More than 150,000 people were involved in the event.

3) The event occurred in 1981.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Chemistry Blog


For the last 4 weeks, we have been doing different experiments involving contraction, expansion, conduction, convection in liquid, and convection in gas. All these experiments all related to what we have learned about. 

Contraction: Something that combines with another substance reduces in size/gets smaller, this relates to our experiment called imploding can. The reason for this is because when we heated up the water inside the can using the bunsen burner and then quickly tipped the can upside down into cold water, the can immediately imploded because the cold and hot water contracted together which made the can implode.

Expansion: This would be the opposite of contraction, expansion is when instead of decreasing the size increases. 

Conduction:  A process in which either heat or electricity travels through a substance with a difference in temperature.

Convection in liquid: The speed of heat travelling through opposite substances. Using hot water (not boiling) in a beaker we slowly added in the permanganate crystal thoroughly expanding the colour fastly through the water.

Convection in gas: When particles with a lot of heat energy replace less heated particles, the hot particles/areas rise into the cold areas because it is a lot denser than the cold areas.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Hurumanu 2 Learning Story

My Learning Story

Hurumanu: 2 Humanities

Module: Power to the People

Name: Zoe

Teacher: Ds

Term: 2



Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.

What We Did: 

  •  Political Party

  •  Informational Poster.

  • Types of Governments.

What I Learned: 

  •  I learnt about the different types of governments.

  •  I learned about the different leaders in the past.

  • I learned how to manage a political party.

My Favourite Parts:

  • Making my Jacinda Ardern Informational poster.

  • Managing/making my Political party speech.

My Next Steps:

  •  Building up my confidence so I could read a speech in front of the class.

CARR Values: 

Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.


I showed commitment by always completing the work I’ve been given on time.


I showed achievement by completing my work with a high standard and through my best.


I showed resilience by asking for help when I don’t understand something and being able to recover properly.


I showed respect by always listening to what the teacher says and what the teacher tells me to do.

Feedback for my Teachers:

Monday, July 5, 2021

Persuasive Writing

 Essay brainstorming: week 10

Persuasive Writing = Animal Testing should be illegal/banned.

Animal testing should definitely be illegal on every continent on earth, these days more experiments/tests are being used on Animals such as Cosmetics, drugs, skin corrosions, etc). My argument is that harmless animals are being tortured and used just for the sake of modern humanity! The consequence of this tragedy could be linked to some of the extinction/endangerment of certain animals. Would you agree with my statement?

As of now, Rabbits are near threatened BECAUSE OF ANIMAL TESTING. My evidence for this is that Rabbits are being used for cosmetic testing such as draize eyes, skin irritancy tests that are very brutal and painful. When rabbits are being experimented on they are locked into full-body restraints, after a painful experiment they are normally killed in case of cross-contamination. More than 170,000 rabbits are killed each year in the laboratory because of animal testing. Even Guinea Pigs, Rats, and Hamsters are also being used for cosmetic testing and soon might also follow the same footsteps as Rabbits.

Could animal testing lead to extinction?

Each year in the U.S.A, more than 100 million animals are killed in U.S. laboratories. This all elaborates on why animal testing should be illegal and why it should be a crime, global estimation would be more than 115 million, with only 3% of animal survival. It is very much possible that animal testing can lead to the extinction of common animals such as Monkeys, Chimpanzees, Dogs, Cats etc).

How many percentages of Animal Testing have failed?

Back in 2004, The FDA said that about 92% of drugs that pass through preclinical tests fail to permit to the market. After some research, recent analysis has proven that despite trying to improve the possibilities of animal testing, the failure rating has risen up to 96% over the years.

What could be a replacement for Animal Testing?

While animal testing has been legally banned, a replacement/alternative that would be harmless and exceptional to animal testing would be cultivated tests using human cells and tissues, with the help of advanced computer modelling technology/techniques and of coursehuman volunteers.

Rather than supporting something that is atrocious, it is very much clear and understandable why animal testing should be illegal and why it should be considered a crime. To be reminded, animal testing could cause the endangerment of living creatures, the extinction and the development of new diseases and more unimaginable things! Everything that I have written so far is evidence of why it should be illegal. This might be humanity's only chance to redeem itself for the years of destruction we have caused such as the extinction of innocent animals, the pollution of earth’s natural resources, the overpopulation and a lot more.



