Aim: To look at different kitchen ingredients in scones and their effects
- Make 3 types of scone.
- Normal plus 2 others.
- You will make the scone, shape it on your plate, bring it up and place it on the oven tray with a clearly written label. The label must have Group Name and Scone Type.
Scone types:
- Draw up a chart to record your findings
- Make 3 recipes using the following quantities
- 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour
- 1 tsp Edmonds baking powder or 1 tsp baking soda
- 2 tsp butter
- 1/4 cup milk, approximately or 1/4 cup lemonade.
The recipes my group chose were:
1. Normal
3. Baking Soda
The other two recipes were:
1. Name: Normal Scones
- flour
- baking powder
- milk
- butter
2. Name: Lemonade Scones

3. milk
4. butter
6. baking powder
Step 1: get a bowl and a spoon
Step 2: add the flour and add the baking powder in.
Step 3: add milk or lemonade also add butter in if you want to the bowl with flour and baking powder.
Step 4: mix them together until its not sloppy( if you added to much lemonade or milk add more flour in).
Step 5: cut them into the pieces and roll the pieces into a ball
Step 6: add the scones in the oven for about 10-12 minutes until golden brown.
1. NORMAL | White/Golden brown | flour | 5cm |
2. lemonade | white | gross lemonade | 3cm |
3. milkwithout butter | white | bread | 2.5cm |
The normal scone tasted like flour but it looked really tasty but in realty it tasted weird, it was the tallest out of all the scones we made the height was 5cm, the colour was kinda golden brown.The lemonade scone was not my favourite even tho it smelled really good it mixed with the flour and it tasted weird my partners were puking on the bin, it was 3cm long, it was the second tallest out of all the scones.The colour was just white there was no brown at all. The third scone which is the milk scones without butter I guess it was the best scone, it didn't taste bad or good it tasted like plain bread that had no flavour in it. The colour was the same as the lemonade scone, the height was 2.5cm long it pretty small and it was hard. I really wanted to make almonds with it but we didn't and it's fine I guess.
Beautiful blog post Zoe! You filled in all the right parts and I really liked the time and effort I can tell you put into your conclusion. Great job on using your class time wisely to complete some independent work :) You are well on your way to completing your badge!
ReplyDelete- Miss Birtch