Maths DLO Subtracting Column
Today we did a DLO of how to do subtracting column. This is the work I did.
Thank You for reading my blog post! Please give me feed back on what I could improve. Bye :P
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. I am a year 9 in 2021. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
Maths DLO Column Addition
Maths DLO Column Addition
Last week we learned how to do our Addition and Subtraction Column We also had to do a DLO about Addition and Subtracting Column.
Last week we learned how to do our Addition and Subtraction Column We also had to do a DLO about Addition and Subtracting Column.
Friday, June 21, 2019
What my shoes do when i'm not home.
What my shoes do when i'm not home
Today my owner left the house with her family, I get to do whatever I want now. My name is Sky the Shoe I really wanna host a party and buy food for everyone but first I gotta open the closet doors, I pushed the door really hard and got it opened I called my friends and said " Hey Guys, our owner's left the house do you guys wanna have a party?" " Sure let's go!" they said We all went outside of the closet and we started a party and some of us went out to buy food but there was one problem..." Hey Sky how our we gonna buy food? There's so much people outside?", " Maybe their's food inside the fridge" I said as we hopped our way to the kitchen fridge and opened the door their was no food left as we disappointingly hopped back to the living room. " what do we do now?" said Wendy the Wedge. " I don't really now" I sadly said. " Oh maybe we could bake our own food" I excitingly said. " sure we can do that!" Everyone said. " But wait what should we bake? " said Sally the Sneaker, " We could try to make cookies theirs cookie mix in the cupboards?" Said Suzy the Bunny Slipper. We mixed the cookies mix with milk to make cookie dough we moulded the cookie dough into heart cookies and added chocolate chips and putted it in the oven. After the cookies baked we let it out to dry and heard a car coming to the drive way " oh no It's our owners we better get back we went back in the closet and just left the cookies when my owners arrived one of them said " huh how are there cookies here? maybe my parents made them.
Today my owner left the house with her family, I get to do whatever I want now. My name is Sky the Shoe I really wanna host a party and buy food for everyone but first I gotta open the closet doors, I pushed the door really hard and got it opened I called my friends and said " Hey Guys, our owner's left the house do you guys wanna have a party?" " Sure let's go!" they said We all went outside of the closet and we started a party and some of us went out to buy food but there was one problem..." Hey Sky how our we gonna buy food? There's so much people outside?", " Maybe their's food inside the fridge" I said as we hopped our way to the kitchen fridge and opened the door their was no food left as we disappointingly hopped back to the living room. " what do we do now?" said Wendy the Wedge. " I don't really now" I sadly said. " Oh maybe we could bake our own food" I excitingly said. " sure we can do that!" Everyone said. " But wait what should we bake? " said Sally the Sneaker, " We could try to make cookies theirs cookie mix in the cupboards?" Said Suzy the Bunny Slipper. We mixed the cookies mix with milk to make cookie dough we moulded the cookie dough into heart cookies and added chocolate chips and putted it in the oven. After the cookies baked we let it out to dry and heard a car coming to the drive way " oh no It's our owners we better get back we went back in the closet and just left the cookies when my owners arrived one of them said " huh how are there cookies here? maybe my parents made them.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Hurumanu Climate Change
Hurumanu - Climate Change
Aim: To look at the causes of climate change and how to prevent it.
As you watch the video answer these questions:
What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?
How do we see climate change affecting the globe? We see that animals are dying because of climate change and other countries that our turning hot because of the climate change.
Our greatest threat in thousands of years are...
- Great storms.
- Great Sea levels
- Great floods
- Great heats of waves
What is needed to change history? The things we need to change are fossil burning's.
Is climate change a man made disaster? Yes because it is affecting our world.
Dramatic action must be made in the next __ years to change it? we need to take dramatic action in the next 10 years.
Why is our climate changing? because we are burning fossils in order to get energy.
What is causing the warming trend of the climate? it is causing some animals to die and some plants to die if the soil get's to dry because of the climate change
What is the main problem? The main problem is the climate change that is affecting our world.
What are examples of these? animals dying, Great storms, Great Floods, Great heat waves, great sea levels.
Burning fossil fuels releases what gas? Burning fossil fuels release gas and makes energy.
How much hotter now is our world? our world is now around 1 degree hotter Celsius than before.
What do we call this global warming?
How is this affecting creatures / animals like bats? it is affecting the animals to die because of heat and like if penguins liked the cold what if their was only heat penguins and other animals wasn't used to the heat they would become extinct.
What percentage of species are near extinction? some of the species that are dying because of this climate change are bats more than 11,000 bats died because of climate change.
How could this effect the world ecosystems? Climate change could affect some of our animals and our countries like green land.
What global change was seen and recording breaking last year? 2018's global temperatures were 1.90°F (1.06°C).
How is climate change affecting our weather systems?
1. Heavy rain to fall in heavy downpours.
2. Natural disasters
3. More Floods
What is another effect of climate change? Another thing that effect of climate change is Water levels.
What will happen if the ice melts in Antarctica and the Arctic? If the ice in Antarctica and the Arctic melts it would cost water levels to rise up and animals that are usually live in the cold could cause the animal to extinct.
How does this affect people? It affects people health.
What other things affect oceans change? it affects the ocean more seawater to rise and might cover some of our land.
What does to much heat do to coral? To much heat causes the corals to dry which leads to death.
Why did some industries not want to stop burning fossil fuels? Some industries didn't want to stop burning fossil fuels because of the energy it gives.
Stop at 23.39
You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or PowerPoint.
1. Coal - a black or dark brown rock that is found mainly in underground and used as fuel.

3. Natural Gas - flammable gas, that can be found underground and use as fuel for modern technology.
Write a 5 sentence reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to affect us.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
CIP Mindfulness Colouring
CIP Mindfulness Colouring
This week we are focusing on mindfulness Colouring, we are designing a Colouring Competition, for students in other schools. I was teamed with Elisha Mae, Danni and Danielle, we were thinking of buying a prize for the winners, we might try and do a donation or we could spend $5 dollars each and try and buy some prizes that are from the Incredible's store. Me and my group decided that their would be an age group to year 5 and year 6 we thought of that because we thought it would be much fair to compete against. We thought we could host the Colouring Competition on the 23rd of June to the 26th of June.
How do you think we should organise the the competition?
I think we should organise the competition by giving people a notice about the Colouring Competition and saying where the competition will be hosted and we could set out colouring Paper and colouring pencils on tables and we could try and show some of our colouring's and they could also share what they think of colouring like is it helpful, relaxing and fun.
I really enjoy colouring, I really like how you could choose how to colour it and theirs no rules of how to colour it.
This week we are focusing on mindfulness Colouring, we are designing a Colouring Competition, for students in other schools. I was teamed with Elisha Mae, Danni and Danielle, we were thinking of buying a prize for the winners, we might try and do a donation or we could spend $5 dollars each and try and buy some prizes that are from the Incredible's store. Me and my group decided that their would be an age group to year 5 and year 6 we thought of that because we thought it would be much fair to compete against. We thought we could host the Colouring Competition on the 23rd of June to the 26th of June.
How do you think we should organise the the competition?
I think we should organise the competition by giving people a notice about the Colouring Competition and saying where the competition will be hosted and we could set out colouring Paper and colouring pencils on tables and we could try and show some of our colouring's and they could also share what they think of colouring like is it helpful, relaxing and fun.
I really enjoy colouring, I really like how you could choose how to colour it and theirs no rules of how to colour it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Family of five sentences
Family of five sentences
A week ago we did ways of doing sentences that we could use e had to make this DLO of how to use them and what they are.
I didn't knew some of them but I think i used some of them tho maybe... Have you ever used one of these methods please tell me down in the comments sections bye :)
A week ago we did ways of doing sentences that we could use e had to make this DLO of how to use them and what they are.
I didn't knew some of them but I think i used some of them tho maybe... Have you ever used one of these methods please tell me down in the comments sections bye :)
Monday, June 17, 2019
5 Interesting facts about Quentin Blake
5 Interesting facts about Quentin Blake
Today in Hurumanu Art we talked about Quentin Blake and some of his illustrations.then we were asked to do a DLO about Quentin Blake and we had to find 5 Interesting facts about him.
Here i my Google Drawing about it.
I had fun doing this since I never knew some of these facts but i have read some of his story's. Have you ever read or heard about Quentin Blake's illustration's please tell me down in the comments Bye!
Today in Hurumanu Art we talked about Quentin Blake and some of his illustrations.then we were asked to do a DLO about Quentin Blake and we had to find 5 Interesting facts about him.
Here i my Google Drawing about it.
I had fun doing this since I never knew some of these facts but i have read some of his story's. Have you ever read or heard about Quentin Blake's illustration's please tell me down in the comments Bye!
Friday, June 14, 2019
The Big Picture
- What animals keep our jackets warm? The animals that keep our jacket warm are Birds, Sheep's and Silkworms.
- What animal makes our boots waterproof? The animal that makes our boots water proof are ducks and cows
- Where does the water in our rivers come from? The water from our rivers come from the clouds on the sky.
- Why do we need healthy rivers? We need healthy rivers because healthy rivers originate in healthy catchments, and they are full of invertebrates that are food for small fish which are good for big fish.
- What are some of the good things about mosquitoes? Some of the good things that mosquitoes can do are their larva's can clean our water of bacteria and slime, mosquitoes are also excellent pollinators of flowers like most insects.
- Why are bees dying? Bees are dying because of pesticides, some also say Cellphone towers, exotic mites and predators on the bees' bodies,
- What do bugs do to our leaves? Some bugs give us food to eat.
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
- How much dung would we be in if there were no dung decomposers? Their would be dung everywhere.
- Who runs this planet? The person who runs this planet is god and mother nature.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
What are your 5 things you need and what are the things you want?
What are your 5 things you need and what are the things you want?
Today we did a poster about what thing we need and what things we want but don't need this is my Poster.
what does 5 things we need mean and 5 things we want mean?
Today we did a poster about what thing we need and what things we want but don't need this is my Poster.
what does 5 things we need mean and 5 things we want mean?
- things we need to survive/live.
- things that will keep us healthy sometimes.
- things that we can't live without them.
- things we wish for that we don't need.
- thing that we could live without them.
- maybe we don't need them but maybe sometime in the future we could need them.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Science Conservation Badge
Science Badges:
- Climate Science
- Global Warming
- Recycling
- Renewable Energy
- Fossil Fuels
- Ecology
- Our Planet
- Water
- Plants
- 15 Points are needed to get a badge
- A high standard of work.
- All experiments are written up ( Aim, Materials, Steps, Conclusion)
- Two photos of your experiment
- 6 sentences at least for a conclusion
Science will be twice per week.
- Lesson 1: This will be an Experiment that involves blogging. You will be expected to open a new post, copy Mr Palmer's blog and paste it on your new post.
- Lesson 2: This will be an Investigation that relates to the topic from Lesson 1. It will be own choice and displayed in a way that you prefer. For example - PowerPoint, Doc, etc
All the blogs and science lessons will be displayed on Mr Palmers blog:
Bookmark it!
- 1 blog must be completed per Hurumanu lesson.
- A completed blog must have the four headings ( Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusion), correct writing and punctuation under each heading and be published. No post, no points.
- 2 images of the experiment / investigation on the blog.
Using the Scientific method of investigation:
Aim: What the experiment / investigation is about.
Method: Instructions on how the experiment / investigation is carried out. This includes the equipment.
Findings: What have we learnt or found out from our experiment / investigation. This is called Data, Information or Facts. It is displayed in a chart, table or picture.
My Hurumanu Science Goals:
1. My first goal for this Hurumanu Science is to do my best doing the work that i have been given.
2. My second goals is to try working with others successfully.
3. My third goal is to try and get my Conservation Badge.
My Hurumanu Science Goals:
1. My first goal for this Hurumanu Science is to do my best doing the work that i have been given.
2. My second goals is to try working with others successfully.
3. My third goal is to try and get my Conservation Badge.
Monday, June 10, 2019
This is my Jikoshokai(self Introduction in Japanese)
This is my Jikoshokai(self Introduction in Japanese)
Hajimemashite - Nice to meet you.
Watashiwa Zoi desu - My name is Zoe/ I am Zoe.
Hoonbi ni sunde imasu - I live in Hornby.
watashi wa juu issai desu - I am 11 years old.
Hajimemashite, Watashiwa Zoi desu, Hoonbi ni sunde imasu, watashi wa juu issai desu.
Hajimemashite - Nice to meet you.
Watashiwa Zoi desu - My name is Zoe/ I am Zoe.
Hoonbi ni sunde imasu - I live in Hornby.
watashi wa juu issai desu - I am 11 years old.
Hajimemashite, Watashiwa Zoi desu, Hoonbi ni sunde imasu, watashi wa juu issai desu.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Music Hurumanu Learning Story
Learning Story
For the past term and the week’s before on our Hurumanu Music we have been doing Music like making our own type of Music and learning some of the music that people liked from decades ago.
For our first time doing Hurumanu Music we needed our Hurumanu book, a chrome Book, Pencil/Pencil Case, It was our first time so people were kinda confused, but we got used to it, after a few weeks later. We did listened and watched a Music video called Happier By: Ed Sheeran, some people did cry, I cried a little bit. After we listened to the song we had to write about what happened in the story but we had to do a Perspective Story we got to choose if we want to be the little girl or the Puppy. We could also listen back to the song if we wanted to. After Term 1 and then the start of Term 2 some people had to go to the other room with Mrs Hastie to finish their Happier Perspective Story.
After like few weeks later we did an Instrument Guessing game, We had to guess what instrument is by listening to someone playing the instrument. After weeks later since I don’t remember some of it after that we made our own Song with our own lyrics we could also pick a song from the internet but with our own lyrics like a parody. After that we did an ASMR Sound like sleeping, eating, drinking. After we listened to the sounds we made a blog post about what we thought about the sound like was it gross feeling was it satisfying. I’m not really sure what happened after we did this but i think we did the “ Songs from decades ago” slide, first we had to be in a team of two or three I was teamed with Elisha mae and Shane(Shekinah mae) we had to figure out a way what year we would start I said “ maybe we could start from the 1900’s to the 2000’s” we all agreed to do the same, we started to research some favorited songs and genres that were popular in the 1900’s. We also had to do a slide of 13 or more, me and my group used some sites in google that had good information from the 1900’s and we had to check if the website was safe or if the information was true or false. After when everybody finished their Songs from decades ago slide we had to share our slides and talk about why we did this but some people choose to not talk but show instead. Me and Shane we showed our slide but we didn’t talk since we were to shy. I can’t wait to do more Music but sadly all things come to an end but a new one will start.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Gratitude Poster
Gratitude Poster
Kia ora, today we were asked to list 10 things we were grateful for this is my poster of what I am grateful and joyful for.
Here is my poster.
Kia ora, today we were asked to list 10 things we were grateful for this is my poster of what I am grateful and joyful for.
Here is my poster.
Kindness Boomerang
Kindness Boomerang
The short story called the Ripple started with a little girl that was with her Grandma and her brother they went to the supermarket to buy food and a cake for their Grandpa, the little girl went to the cake section to grab one but she couldn't reach it then a person helped her by grabbing the cake that she couldn't reach and giving it to her. They went to check out their food but the cake was to expensive they couldn't afford it so they had to put back the cake then when they left the supermarket the guy that helped that little girl bought the cake with his own money then gave it to them. The guy told them a story of how a person helped him when he was a little boy then the Grandma asked hi for his number so she could repay him, he wrote his number on a piece of paper and wrote note and he said " Call me the man in the queue". when they went home they gave their grandfather the cake and the note that the man gave them.
I noticed that the kindness that the old man gave to the man when he was little came back to him and that when you do something nice to a person it will comeback to you. The kindness boomerang was that the kindness came back to the old man when he gave kindness before it's like a boomerang that when you throw it will comeback to you. the man in the video noticed that the girl needed helped with something.
I think the video was super helpful and inspiring and you could learn that kindness will come back to you when you give kindness.
The short story called the Ripple started with a little girl that was with her Grandma and her brother they went to the supermarket to buy food and a cake for their Grandpa, the little girl went to the cake section to grab one but she couldn't reach it then a person helped her by grabbing the cake that she couldn't reach and giving it to her. They went to check out their food but the cake was to expensive they couldn't afford it so they had to put back the cake then when they left the supermarket the guy that helped that little girl bought the cake with his own money then gave it to them. The guy told them a story of how a person helped him when he was a little boy then the Grandma asked hi for his number so she could repay him, he wrote his number on a piece of paper and wrote note and he said " Call me the man in the queue". when they went home they gave their grandfather the cake and the note that the man gave them.
I noticed that the kindness that the old man gave to the man when he was little came back to him and that when you do something nice to a person it will comeback to you. The kindness boomerang was that the kindness came back to the old man when he gave kindness before it's like a boomerang that when you throw it will comeback to you. the man in the video noticed that the girl needed helped with something.
I think the video was super helpful and inspiring and you could learn that kindness will come back to you when you give kindness.
Here is a the video.
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