EOTC Reflection
What is EOTC? EOTC basically stands for Education outside the classroom. EOTC isn't really known all over the world, it was technically for the 7/8/9s of Hornby High School exploring outside school for three days.
The three adventures that we got to experience were Adrenaline Forest, Jellie Park and the city. even though I had never gone to Adrenaline Forest before, it was exciting/fun to adventure around Adrenaline with my friends!
1st-day EOTC:
For Adrenaline our kahui (Mohua) had gone to Adrelanine on Wednesday which was the first day of EOTC along with another kahui called Tieke which some of my friends were there. although we were our kahuis were separated when doing the actual activity on Adrenaline Forest. It was fun seeing my friends who we aren't generally with when we do outside activities.
We were taught the basic rules on how to be safe when climbing and hooking ourselves which had helped a lot, luckily all of us acted pretty respectful to them and listened carefully to their instructions. It was a fantastic experience and I'm very grateful to our teachers and the school for giving us an opportunity to experience something new.
2nd-day EOTC:
After that amazing experience on Adrenaline Forest, next up on our list was Jellie park! We were very lucky that day it was a warm, sunny day although I didn't really spend a lot of time in the pool I had a lot of fun! we went on different types of slides, we played games in the pool, we even had a competition with the boys (we kept splashing water on each other), we tried doing tricks while we were in the pool and so much more!
The teachers then brought some snacks for us, fish and chips (fries), they even brought cold popsicles for us (I don't really know what they were called) P.S the teacher had given me and my friends extra popsicles. Then we just stayed under the shade for a couple of minutes to relax.
3rd-day EOTC (last day):
On our last day of EOTC, we went to the city to visit a museum, Turanga(Library) and Margeret Mahy. it was my first time visiting the museum and Turanga. The museum had very interesting exhibits and very pretty things to look at although I wish we were allowed to take pictures. The library we had visited was huge! it had many floors with different types of books, they even had my favourite books to read! which were mangas(Japanese comics) and they had a lot of them! while we were at the museum and at the library we had this activity to do, it was like a search.
After that, we went to relax/take a break at Margeret Mahy, we were just relaxing at where the slides were, then we fed the birds which they flew away since one of our classmates scared them.
EOTC week was the best thing that had to happen this year especially when covid had brought us into lockdown for 1 to 2 months.